Reduced shipping fees on your eBay Beloka order

Save on your Beloka mineral water order when you buy through eBay! With reduced shipping fees Australia-wide on any volume of Beloka cartons purchased via eBay, now is the perfect opportunity to stock up on delicious still or sparkling mineral water. Sourced from a natural, underground spring on the eastern border of Kosciuszko National Park, Beloka water is pure, fresh and natural. With a delicate, distinct flavour, it’s the perfect accompaniment to meals, alcohol, cordial, juices or as a stand-alone beverage.

beloka water in carton

Beloka now available on eBay!

We are always trying to find ways to make life easier for our customers, as well as to ensure they enjoy great value when they purchase our Beloka water. Offering Beloka for sale via eBay enables us to make savings on our shipping options, which we pass on to our customers. When customers order from us through eBay, they are able to benefit from reduced shipping fees, regardless of the size of their order. This is of particular value for customers who want a smaller volume of Beloka, as reduced shipping fees is available for one carton of Beloka. In contrast, customers who order through our Beloka website will need to order a minimum of six cartons before free delivery applies, except those who live in the Sydney metro area.

A great opportunity to try Beloka water

We understand that not all customers will want larger volumes of Beloka initially. Individual households, smaller restaurants, guest houses and bars often prefer to order a small quantity of our mineral water, to see whether it suits their needs. Buying through eBay allows customers to buy a single carton, with a reduced shipping fee. This enables customers new to our brand to try our water without having to order a high volume to qualify for reduced shipping fees. For initial orders, we suggest trying a carton of our sparkling and still water options. This enables easy comparison and also allows customers to get a better feel for which variety works best with specific foods or beverages.

Shipping to your doorstep – remote drop off if required

We know that at the moment, many of our customers still need Beloka, but are concerned about maintaining social distance when purchasing their supplies. Buying through eBay is conducted remotely, and couriers now adopt social distancing measures when delivering orders. This means it’s possible for customers to order Beloka safely: for residential customers, many of whom may be having problems obtaining their usual mineral water from supermarkets, now is the perfect opportunity to try our premium, award-winning mineral water without the need to pay shipping. If you’ve always wanted to discover the exceptional flavour which up-market water possesses, Beloka is a great option.

Straight-forward ordering from eBay

Most people are familiar with eBay, so will already appreciate how easy and fast it is to place an order. If you need any more information about Beloka shipping, or have any other queries, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.